Delegates who attended the ASLTIP conference on Saturday went away inspired and feeling optimistic about ASLTIP’s future.
The day opened with an expert panel looking at commissioning. Frankie Lynch provided a no nonsense tour of the current commissioning landscape, cutting through to the key issues for independent SLTs and answering questions on how IPs can make the most of the changing environment. Marie Gascoigne shed light on the situation in relation to SLT and education; providing suggestions and advice along the way. Both panelists highlighted the need for SLTs to ensure that the commissioners are aware of SLT, what we do and the quality of our services. RCSLT’s Derek Munn echoed these comments and provided responses to the many questions attendees had.
Nicely following on from the session on commissioning, Professor Pam Enderby, our keynote speaker, focused on outcomes. Professor Enderby spoke about how we need outcome measures now for the client, healthcare providers and for purchasers of our services. We, as healthcare providers, need to know how effective our involvement has been and whether we have been as proficient as another provider. The purchaser will want evidence that their investment has been justifiable. She encouraged us to consider whether the client or purchaser know that we are also working on (and measuring) areas beyond impairment including participation and well being. SLTs must help commissioners understand what SLTs do, and what we can do to help them “tick their boxes”.
The afternoon was as diverse in workshop selection as our membership is. Dr Catherine Adams presented on our Social Communication Intervention Project, which was well attended by therapists working with school aged clients. ASLTIP member Katy James presented her work on the strands of neurological rehab and fellow ASLTIP member Janet Farrugia (along with our legal advisor, David Tyme) took members through issues related to legal issues of employment.
While this was happening, 10 brave ASLTIP members presented and filmed their lightning talks. These lightning talks certainly put a spotlight on the expertise of our membership covering topics from 50 ways to use a story to working with transgender clients – with everything in between (apps, cleft palate, therapeutic relationships, marketing). These videos will shortly be available online!
ASLTIP’s membership has been growing rapidly since 1989. We are a support organisation run by our members. The executive board is always grateful for new members and new ideas.
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