You might imagine a speech and language therapist works in a neat little office with toys and books lining bookshelves and a child size table with chairs. Speech and language therapists, and in particular, independent speech and language therapists work in a very broad range of settings.
We asked therapists on our social media pages to tell us where they worked.
ASLTIP member Chris Wade, who works with children, listed some of the interesting places his therapy sessions have taken place including McDonalds, Starbucks and Costa; the hydrotherapy pool and even the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Jo Frost, an ASLTIP member who works with clients of all ages, noted on our facebook page that she was looking forward to an upcoming session in the botanical gardens – with icecream.
Lucy (@therapyfor) on twitter said “therapy sessions – wards, patient’s homes, nursing homes, and in other places relevant to the person and their goals e.g cafes”
Chris’, Lucy’s and Jo’s comments are examples of how clinicians working independently can often have the flexibility to plan and carry out sessions working with their clients in real-life settings. While it can be good to spend numerous sessions rehearsing how to order a cup of coffee with a client who has had a stroke, actually going out to the coffee shop and ordering the coffee is likely to be a more effective way to target this goal.
It’s not just different locations therapists work with their clients in, therapists are now using technology to conduct sessions when their clients are in different locations to them. ASLTIP member, Rebecca Matthews, is currently completing her PhD looking at using skype in conjunction with face-to-face sessions.
So, where do you work?
ASLTIP’s membership has been growing rapidly since 1989. We are a support organisation run by our members. The executive board is always grateful for new members and new ideas.
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