Over the last week an article chronicling the plight of Dr Kate Granger’s ‘My name is’ campaign appeared across the BBC. Dr Granger is a 31 year old hospital consultant who quickly grew tired of Doctors failing to introduce themselves. The ‘My name is’ campaign launched by Dr Granger aspires to improve patient treatment. The campaign has gained notoriety and much public support from Jeremy Hunt, Bob Geldof, and David Cameron. Taking inspiration from her Doctors poor treatment of her when she was told her cancer had spread, her Doctor even failed to make eye contact with her during this most personal of conversations. However, this Doctor was not the only one who failed to give a satisfactory service or even an introduction, and thus started Dr Granger’s #hellomynameis campaign on Twitter. The campaign attempts to create basic bonds between patient and staff making even small personal details such as introducing themselves as a way to forge the beginning of a personal commitment from staff to patient. Dr Granger said without these personal touches “the disease failed to feel real”, and when she did finally receive an introduction “it really did make a difference to how comfortable I was and less lonely I was in hospital”. The campaign continues to gain support with over 400,000 supporters and 90 organisations including NHS trusts across Britain.
These NHS trusts are now investing in to the ‘My name is’ campaigning throughout Britain with the Scottish Government announcing a £40,000 investment just this Monday. Despite Dr Granger’s acceptance that she may not be able to see the whole project through, she does however thoroughly to believe in the ongoing commitment stating “I want my legacy to be a better health service”. This has campaign has also received glowing support from, chief executive of National Voices, Jeremy Taylor, a national coalition of patient charities. Mr Taylor argued that “We need to put the human back into healthcare. It’s a simple campaign which gets back to what is important”. With healthcare secretary Jeremy Hunt acknowledged the significant commitment of NHS staff but went on to add “All patients should be treated with compassion and the fact this movement has started from within the NHS itself makes it all the more powerful”.
To view the article in its entirety click on this link:
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