This week marks Dementia Awareness Week. This year’s focus is particularly applicable for speech and language therapists “talking changes everything” encouraging people to get talking about dementia.
Speech and language therapists work with people with dementia at different stages of the disease. SLTs may:
* provide input into assessment of dementia alongside a multidisciplinary team; where SLTs assess the communication difficulties that may be present
* provide information to people with dementia and their families about dementia – particularly the communication, cognitive and potential swallowing difficulties
* provide education on strategies for people with dementia, carers and families for optimising the environment for people with communication difficulties arising from dementia
* look at augmentative communication
An article in the RCSLT’s May Bulletin looked at the Dementia Campaign they are championing.The campaign aims to highlight the role of SLTs in working with people with dementia and to raise the profile of communication, swallowing and eating/drinking needs for people with dementia.
The Alzheimer’s Association is encouraging people to tweet about dementia this week using the hashtag #TalkDementia. This is a great way for ASLTIP members’ to share more about the work we do in working in this area of expertise.
In a round up of some of the press coverage this week, articles have included:
* A family member’s request for carers to be more involved in care planning
* An overview of dementia including dispelling myths
* A concert in Enfield to promote awareness
* Actress Carey Mulligan’s video messaging calling for more awareness
So, how can ASLTIP members be involved:
* write a blog – exploring the communication issues associated with dementia
* tweet about dementia and SLT (#TalkDementia)
* chat with staff at your local care home about the role of SLT in working with people with dementia
* tell your clients and families about the week and the focus of talking about dementia – including linking in to support organisations in their area
ASLTIP’s membership has been growing rapidly since 1989. We are a support organisation run by our members. The executive board is always grateful for new members and new ideas.
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