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Rosemary Jenkins

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Rosemary Jenkins

Member since: 01/05/1996

I specialise in providing a service for adults in the West Midlands with disorders of communication resulting from stroke or traumatic brain injury.I liaise with family members,carers and other health care providers,as appropriate, in the management of a client’s communication disorder;and provide speech and language therapy in peoples’ own homes,some hospital settings,residential homes and nursing homes. Remote therapy can be provided if appropriate.

Conditions treated
  • Acquired brain injury (including stroke)
  • Adult language (incl aphasia)
  • Head injury
  • Online therapy / Telehealth
  • Stroke
Age ranges treated
  • Adult
  • Secondary school and adolescent

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ASLTIP’s membership has been growing rapidly since 1989. We are a support organisation run by our members. The executive board is always grateful for new members and new ideas.

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