I have over 16 years of experience and training working as a highly specialist speech and language therapist with children with complex needs, who have communication and/or eating and drinking difficulties. I have particular skills and experience in working with children with acquired brain injury. I believe that the best results are obtained working collaboratively with the child, their family and other professionals involved on agreed goals. I set up my company rehab4kidz in July 2018 to enable me to offer speech and language therapy which is flexible and tailored to meet the individual needs of each child.
Conditions treated
AAC (augmentative and alternative communication)
Acquired brain injury (including stroke)
Articulation and phonology
Autism spectrum
Behavioural difficulties
Capacity assessment support
Cerebral palsy
Cognitive -communication difficulties
Dyspraxia/Childhood Apraxia of speech
Early childhood language development
Eating and drinking; feeding
Head injury
Infant feeding
Language disorder
Learning disability
Mainstream Schools
Motor speech disorders
Tracheostomy and Ventilator dependence
Training for educational settings/schools/SEN staff
Age ranges treated
Primary School
Secondary school and adolescent
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