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Sally Ghibaldan

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Sally Ghibaldan

Member since: 31/07/2007
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Sally is the founder of “Linguistic Resolutions” and has practiced for 20 years as an SLT. She achieved a B.Med.Sci from Sheffield University (2002) and post-graduate training in dysphagia (2005).Sally is an experienced clinician working exclusively with adults with acquired neurological impairments. She has worked in a range of NHS settings; acute and rehabilitation wards, outpatient clinics, client’s homes and nursing homes. Her expertise includes assessment and treatment of dysphagia (swallowing difficulties), dysphasia (language difficulties), cognitive-communication disorder, dyspraxia and dysarthria (motor-speech difficulties) and neurogenic-dysphonia (voice impairments with neurological cause).

Linguistic Resolutions can provide specialist neuro-SLT assessment, advice, second-opinions, intensive treatment, home-visits and teaching sessions. Under Sally’s direction, Linguistic Resolutions has evolved and the team of 50 clinicians are exceptional at their work. Controlled, nurtured team growth has resulted in increasing SLT expertise within the company. Sally ensures the service is always about clinical excellence, holistic SLT and pioneering innovation.

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